lunedì 31 dicembre 2007

A Year of Grace

Thanksgiving. This year witnessed a continuous shower of divine gifts. This year was, from the part of the Lord, a series of continuous blessings on humanity and on each person.
God, who wishes all to be saved, wants the kingdom of Jesus Christ established on earth and to live in everyone. He preserved life, directed the events, and made everything converge to Jesus Master and to the Church.
To everyone He sent spiritual blessings, some known, and some unknown.
From the blessings received springs the duty of gratitude.
Reparation. From my part: how did I correspond to the blessing of the Lord? The Lord wanted to communicate Himself to me. In Him is all good and every blessing of eternal life. Often, perhaps, I may have not welcome His truth, holding on to my ideas and views and so I might have remained in culpable ignorance. Have I done always God's will? Have I always welcomed His graces?
For all the good done, a lively thanks.
For all the acts of ingratitude, a deep act of humiliation.

martedì 25 dicembre 2007

It's Christmas

Thanks be to God!
May Baby Jesus place his tiny hands over your head
and fill your soul with light, comfort and joy.

The first cradle that Jesus found one earth was the immaculate heart of Mary:
It was the first crib:
a pure heart
a pious heart
a humble heart
a religious heart.

May your heart be like this
and then it will be a beautiful crib for Jesus.
-- Blessed James Alberione

lunedì 17 dicembre 2007

Like St. Joseph, be faithful to Mary

Joseph's devotion to Mary is above all the devotions of all other saints just as his glory now in heaven is above all other saints.

Know, imitate, love, pray to and preach about Mary. This is according to the divine will and the teaching of the Church, and in the spirit of veneration of St. Joseph.

domenica 16 dicembre 2007

Mary Brings Us Closer to Jesus

Mary brings us closer to Jesus as she gave him to the shepherds, to the Magi and offered him in the temple. This is her highest mission: to give Jesus here on earth and in heaven, "after this exile show unto us Jesus".

The three conditions for approaching the crib are the three dispositions of the heart we wish to have when we receive Holy Communion:

1) great innocnece, a beautiful soul.
2) great faith, united with love.
3) trust, that is, approach it with hope for us and for the human race.

domenica 25 novembre 2007

Feast of Blessed James Alberione

On 26 November 1971, Servant of God James Alberione, the Founder of the Pauline Family, died in Rome just one hour after his holiness Pope Paul VI visited him, brining him the consolation of his apostolic blessing.
In July 1936, James Alberione confessed: "Truly I belong to Jesus Christ with all my powers, everywhere, in all places.
Contemplating rather than meditating on Jesus Christ and striving to discover myself, I have a double mission.
The first is concerning my being: though by nature and grace I am nothing, however, sin has made me horribly deformed.
The second is a heavenly one about Jesus Master, the beloved of the Father, the merciful redeemer in whom we have to be incorporated and by him I have to live as a Christian, a religious and a priest.
Like Peter, I have wept, hoped, prayed and loved; my trust however is greater than all my humiliations".
(A Year with Ven. James Alberione, 2000, St. Paul, India)

sabato 17 novembre 2007

The Key of Life

Life essentially is a preparation for eternity: a preparation that is free and supernatural. However, many don't care about it. Be prepared for our eternity:"Man goes to his eternal home" (Ecc. 12:5).
Of the mind, because the paradise is vision of God.
Of the will, paradise being the confirmation of the highest good, God;
Of the heart, heaven being a joy;
Of the body, which is destined to resurrection and to other glorious gifts and the satisfaction of righteous desires.
The preparation of the mind takes place through faith; the preparation of the will is done by observing the commandments and in general by doing God' will; the prepartion of the heart is done by means of grace and by growing in it; the preparation of the body by keeping it subdued to reason and to faith and by mortifying what is illicit.

venerdì 2 novembre 2007

One Family

The communion of saints is one of the most consoling dogmas of our religion. The souls in purgatory, the blessed in heaven and we form just one family which receives everything from Jesus Christ, the Head.

This is the foundation for our charity towards the dead and of the concern which the struggling Church and the victorious Church have for the suffering souls in purgatory.

In the human body the activity of one part, for example, of the eye or of the hand, benefits the entire body. For the eye does not see only for itself but for the whole body. Thus all the good in the mystical body of Christ benefits each single member and the whole body.

martedì 30 ottobre 2007

The Path to Heights

Move forward daily with faith and generosity!

Not that the way is easy nor that the roads are smooth. Rather, they will be descending and sloping roads that climb up, paths ascending to the summit.

And to reach the summit one must climb and struggle and even if at times there are some falls, get up, and Jesus is still there.

The psalm says if you love the Lord, even when you are about to fall, the Lord's hand will uphold you lest you should get hurt (cf Psalm 90:12).

The picture the psalm draws is gracious! The Lord puts his hand beneath you so that you may not get hurt.

Yes, when one walks supported by the hand of Jesus, one does not fall at all.

lunedì 22 ottobre 2007

Balance and Harmony

Today, the Church commemorates Blessed Timothy Giaccardo, the first Pauline priest and the first Blessed in the Pauline Family.
Timothy Giaccardo generously corresponded with Providence with regard to the apostolate. It would be very edifying to read the articles he wrote in Gazzetta di Alba, which he edited for some time to see his keen observations on certain issues, which at that time were not at all clear. He knew how to follow the right path, how to be balanced without being dejected or enthusiastic.

He corresponded with Providence regarding material things. He paid almost scrupulous attention to keeping account of the smallest things and to time and would serve the Institute and the apostolate.

You know how much he loved his confreres, how holily he loved the sisters. And we think his wish in heaven would be that each one of us become holy.

lunedì 15 ottobre 2007

Discernment before Decision

From things that are morally indifferent, take only that much which helps you; leave out what does not help. Don't be addicted to anything, neith to food nor to rest; but make a wise regimen with regard to what is good for health.

Some amount of mortification is profitable so that the spirit can have sufficient freedom and control over the flesh. Don't be concerned about human esteem; instead fear the judgement of God. A word of approbation from God is infinitely more valuable than the esteem of all human beings whose praise is often spurious.

So too with health: if we have abundance of health, we can do great things for the glory of God; but when we are in poor health, we have to learn to mortify our grand desires, even if they are about very holy things. We should know how to realize them or leave them with a holy indifference in the will of God.

There are things that truly help us: make use of them as much as possible.

mercoledì 10 ottobre 2007

Mysteries of the Rosary

The first 5 mysteries of the Rosary (joyful) are meant to check the desire of the eyes, that is, avarice: the Family of Nazareth lived in very humble poverty. In the following five mysteries (sorrowful) is checked the desire of the flesh, because through them we consider the passion and death of the Saviour. Considering in the last five mysteries (glorious) heavenly things, all earthly honours lose their importance.

I primi cinque misteri del Rosario servono a rintuzzare la concupiscenza degli occhi, ossia l'avarizia: la Famiglia di Nazaret visse in umilissima povertà. Nei successivi cinque misteri viene rintuzzata la concupiscenza della carne, poiché in essi si considera la passione e la morte del Salvatore. Considerando negli ultimi cinque misteri le cose celesti, perdono importanza tutti gli onori terreni.

domenica 7 ottobre 2007

The Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary

It is useful that we learn to recite the rosary with devotion, that is, with intelligence and love.

The meditation on the mysteries: In every mystery one can find and meditate on a truth, which the Church teaches, then a moral and ascetical lesson, thirdly a particular grace to be prayed for.

For example, in the first joyful mystery we have
  • a fundamental truth: the mystery of the incarnation.

  • a moral lesson: Mary's humility in accepting the responsibility.

  • Grace: obedience to the divine will and the grace to accept well the graces to correspond to God' will.

Here we have a truth to meditate upon, a lesson to be learned and a grace to be prayed for. So with all the other mysteries.

The rosary is a short course of theology if it is considered in all its joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries. It is a summary of catechism and theology and can be also called therefore: A short theology of Jesus and Mary.

martedì 2 ottobre 2007

The Guardian Angels

The guardian angel has the duty of enlightening, protecting, guiding and praying for the person entrusted to him.

The angel enlightens him by inspiring; by disposing the mind to receive the truths of faith, to penetrate them, to love them, to think and judge according to them.

The angel protects him from dangers of soul and body. Numerous are the assaults of the deomn from which our good guardian angel defends us; he continuously strengthens our spirit to stand strong against the dangers of the environment and of the senses.

The angel guides a young person in his vocation, supports him in his weaknesses and lifts up the fallen, goes before and points out to every person the way to paradise.

The guardian angel prays for the one entrusted to him, for his family and parish. He prays during life and at the moment of death.

venerdì 28 settembre 2007

The Visit to the Most Holy Sacrament

The visit to the Most Holy Sacrament is to honour the Eucharist as the throne of grace apart from the holy Mass and Communion. It is the antechamber to heaven, it is the yearning and the preparation for the heavenly vision. It is grace, light and comfort.

venerdì 21 settembre 2007

The Eucharistic Visit: an encounter with Jesus

I like the following writings of our founder on the Eucharistic Visit:

The Visit is an encounter of our total being with Jesus.
It is the creature meeting his Creator.
It is the disciple being with the Master.
It is the sick with the Doctor of souls.
It is the poor having recourse to a rich Person.
It is the thirsty drinking from the Spring.
It is the weak presenting themselves before the All-Powerful.
It is the tempted seeking a safe Refuge.
It is the blind seeking the Light.
It is a friend visiting a true Friend.
It is the lost sheep sought out by the divine Shepherd.
It is the disoriented heart finding the Way.
It is the foolish discovering Wisdom.
It is the spouse with the Spouse of the soul.
It is nothing meeting the All.
It is the afflicted finding the Consoler.
It is the youth receiving orientation for life.

lunedì 13 agosto 2007

Assumption of Mary

The most holy Virgin arose with the qualities of a glorious body: resplendent, agile, spiritual and immortal. In the resurrection of Christ and Mary, we also have a pledge of our own resurrection.

L'Assunzione della B.V. Maria
La Vergine santissima risorse con le doti del corpo glorioso: splendore, agilità, sottigliezza e immortalità. Noi pure, nella risurrezione di Cristo e di Maria, abbiamo un pegno della nostra risurrezione.

giovedì 2 agosto 2007

For me to Live is CHRIST

The work of perfection is that which is made every day, that is, that daily growth into the perfect man in mind, will and heart.
Il lavoro di perfezione è quel farsi di ogni giorno, ossia quel quotidiano crescere in uomo completo: nella mente, nella volontà, nel cuore.

giovedì 19 luglio 2007


This blog will not be updated temporarily until beginning of August. Hope you will continue to support and visit. Thank you.

martedì 10 luglio 2007


Prudence is a supernatural light, but exercising it, walking in this divine light, requires a vigorous spirit, an apostolic courage nourished and sustained by apostolic faith counting on God, characteristic of apostles.

Luce soprannaturale è la prudenza; ma il suo esercizio, il camminare in questa luce divina, richiede un vigore d'animo, un coraggio apostolico alimentati e sostenuti da una confidenza apostolica, da un contar su Dio, da apostli.

sabato 30 giugno 2007

San Paolo Apostolo

Saint Paul Apostle, so adaptable in his apostolate, will always be a living, ever present and effective example. Study Saint Paul of his time and study Saint Paul who is always uptodate.
San Paolo apostolo, tanto malleabile nel suo apostolato, sarà un esempio sempre vivo, attuale ed efficace. Studiare san Paolo che è antico, studiare san Paolo che è sempre moderno.

venerdì 29 giugno 2007

Centenary of Priestly Ordination

Today, as the Church celebrates the feast of Her two great pillars--Sts. Peter and Paul, the whole Pauline Family remembers the centenary Priestly Ordination of our founder, Blessed James Alberione--he was ordained as a priest on 29 June 1907 with the clergy of Alba.
Thoughts from our Founder:
Saints Peter and Paul arrived in Rome. The former appearing as a fisherman, the latter as a chained prisoner. But they had the mandate of the word, Jesus Way, Truth and Life in the soul, the single motive to win the disciples for the Divine Master. They won Rome and the world.

mercoledì 27 giugno 2007

Living and Beneficent Light

Let us open our eyes to see the light and splendor that Saint Paul transmits: he is a living and beneficent light, a light that is warm and life generating. In fact, he is at the same time doctrine and example, both in his virtue and his apostolate.

Apriamo gli occhi a vedere lo splendore di luce che san Paolo tramanda: è luce viva e benefica, luce calda e generatrice di vita. Egli, infatti, è insieme dottrina ed esempio, tanto nella virtù come nell'apostolato.

domenica 24 giugno 2007

The Eucharist

Let us take advantage of the school of the Eucharist: here the divine Master teaches us with His example. While He teaches those things that we must learn, He gives the capacity to understand and to make docile the will for action.

Approfittiamo della scuola dell'Eucaristia: qui il Maestro divino ci ammaestra col suo esempio. Mentre insegna le cose che dobbiamo imparare, infonde la capacità di capire e rende docile la volontà ad agire.

sabato 9 giugno 2007

L'Apostolo Paolo

L'apostolo Paolo - che poté con verità affermare: "Vive in me Cristo", e che parlava, operava, scriveva in Cristo - seppe rendere e interpretare in modo mirabile il Vangelo secondo le necessità dell'ambiente: greco, romano, ebraico; e secondo le condizioni degli uditori: semplici, colti.

The apostle Paul who could in truth affirm: "Christ lives in me", and who spoke, worked and wrote in Christ, knew how to translate and interpret in a wonderful way the Gospel according to the needs of the place: Greek, Roman, Hebrew; and according to the condition of his hearers: simple or learned.

giovedì 7 giugno 2007

The Gospel

The Gospel is always the same in its principles and it is light for all times, places and persons. But its applications go according to the spirit and method of Saint Paul: in other words, adapted to the time, place and persons to whom it is being proposed.

Il Vangelo è sempre uguale nei principi; ed è la luce per ogni tempo, luogo, persona. Ma le applicazioni vanno secondo lo spirito ed il metodo di san Paolo: adatte, cioè, al tempo, ai luoghi e alle persone cui si propone.

domenica 3 giugno 2007


Il Vangelo oggi si applica al tempo e alle persone di oggi, secondo i luoghi ove si predica. E va predicato integralmente, quale ce lo ha rivelato Gesù Cristo e ce lo propone la Chiesa.
Today the Gospel is applied to the time and persons of today, according to the places where it is preached. And it should be preached integrally just as Jesus Christ has reveals it and the Church proposes it to us.

giovedì 31 maggio 2007

Regina sacratissimi rosarii

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary
What is Mary's coat of arms that shows her as queen? It is the rosary. With the rosary she deigned to appear to all people and with the rosary she accomplished and accomplishes in mankind the greatest miracles.

Lo stemma di Maria è la corona del rosario. Col rosario si degnò di apparire a tutti gli uomini, col rosario operò ed opera nell'umanità i più grandi prodigi.

mercoledì 30 maggio 2007

Regina virginum

Regina dei Vergini
Per due principali motivi noi possiamo degnamente salutare Maria santissima "regina dei vergini": per l'amore sommo che ella portò a questa prerogativa [alla virtù della verginità] e per la somma perfezione con cui risplendette in essa per tutta la sua vita. Oh, se sapeste la preziosità del tesoro che tiene in cuore un giovane puro! Egli tiene una virtù di inestimabile valore, meraviglia degli uomini, invidia degli angeli, delizia di Dio.

Queen of Virgins

For two main reasons can we worthily greet Mary most holy as "queen of virgins": for the supreme love that she had for this prerogative [i.e. virginity] and for the great perfection with which it is shown in her all her life. If only you knew the value of the treasure that a pure youth holds in his heart! He possesses a virtue without price, a wonder to men, an envy to the angels, a delight to God.

domenica 27 maggio 2007

Regina Confessorum

Queen of Confessors
Confessors are they who profess a continuous confession of faith, whose works they practice in a heroic way. Turning reverently our thoughts to Mary, we see shining more than ever the light of faith in her. We see that she confesses this faith with a perpetual and true confession, with the most heroic actions that can never be given. We must therefore recognize that Mary surpasses all the confessors and therefore unanimously proclaim her to the Church as "queen of confessors".

Confessori sono coloro che professano una confessione continua della fede, di cui praticano le opere in modo eroico. Volgendo riverenti il nostro pensiero a Maria, scorgeremo splendere più che mai in lei il lume della fede; vedremo questa fede essere da lei confessata con una confessione perpetua e vera, con operere le più eroiche che mai si possono dare. Dovremo allora riconoscere l'eccellenza di Maria sopra tutti i confessori e perciò stesso unanimemente proclamarla alla Chiesa "regina dei confessori".

sabato 26 maggio 2007

Festa della Regina degli Apostoli

Quale fu la sublime missione di Maria? Dare al mondo quel Bambino da tanto tempo aspettato. E qual è l'ufficio degli apostoli? Lo stesso: predicare il Vangelo e chiamare gli uomini dalle tenebre alla luce della verità. Dunque, perché non chiameremo Maria "regina degli apostoli", mentre più di tutti arse in lei lo zelo della gloria di Dio e della salute delle anime, che è appunto la virtù degli apostoli?

Feast of Queen of the Apostles
What was the sublime mission of Mary? To give to the world that long-awaited Child. And what is the task of the apostles? The same: to preach the Gospel and to call all people from darkness to the light of truth. Hence, why shall we not call Mary "queen of the apostles", if in her, more tan everybody, burned zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of souls which is the virtue of the Apostles?
Queen of the Apostles, pray for us!

mercoledì 23 maggio 2007

Consoler of the Afflicted

We are bound to bear countless evils that often disturb that little bit of well-being which we could enjoy and remind us very well that we must not search our happiness here. This is the numerous multitude of life's afflictions. The afflicted person asks for consolation. Let us run to Mary in our afflictions. Mary's consolation is a true and lasting consolation.

Consolatrix afflictorum
Noi dobbiamo sottostare ad una moltitudine innumerabile di mali che ben sovente ci intorbidano quel po' di benessere che pur si potrebbe godere e che assai bene ci ricordano come non dobbiamo cercare quaggiù la nostra felicità. E' questa la moltitudine svariata delle afflizioni della vita. L'afflitto domanda consolazione. Accorriamo a Maria nelle nostre afflizioni. La consolazione di Maria sarà una consolazione vera e duratura.

martedì 22 maggio 2007

Stella Matutina

Perché mai fu così simboleggiata Maria? Con ogni ragione. La stella mattutina appare sul mattino, e Maria santissima apparve nel mondo non nella notte delle tenebre in cui gemeva il genere umano prima della nascita del Mesia, ma mentre quelle tenebre eran prossime a sparire. La stella mattutina precede immediatamente il sole quale gentile messaggera che conduce il sovrano. Maria ha preceduto il sole di giustizia Gesù, che ha introdotto nel mondo essendogli stata vera Madre.

Morning Star
Why was Mary ever symbolized in this way? There is every reason. The morning star appears in the morning and Mary most holy appears in the world not during a night of darkness wherein the human race was groaning before the birth of the Messiah, but while that darkness was about to disappear. The morning star immediately precedes the sun like a kind messenger that leads a king. Mary preceded the sun of justice Jesus whom she introduced into this world since she was his true Mother.

sabato 19 maggio 2007

Tower of Ivory

To say that Mary is a "tower of ivory" is like saying that she is a strong refuge and high, secure and invincible, to which can seek protection all who want to preserve the candor of their soul.

Dire che Maria è una "torre d'avorio" è come dire che ella è un rifugio forte, alto, sicuro, invincibile a cui possono ricoverarsi tutti coloro i quali vogliono conservare il candore della loro anima.

martedì 15 maggio 2007

Rosa Mystica

Chi non coglie volentieri dal giardino una rosa per ammirarne la bellezza e gustarne la fragranza? Cerchiamo di rendere la nostra anima simile a Maria: procuriamo di conservarle e accrescerle la bellezza con lo stare lontani dal peccato; diamole il colore vermiglio con la nostra devozione e pietà e con la carità fraterna; il nostro buon esempio sia la fragranza dell'anima nostra e la nostra fortezza faccia in modo che le spine debbano essere a noi non di danno, ma di ornamento.
Who does not willingly pick up a rose in the garden to admire its beauty and enjoy its frangrace? Let us try to make our soul similar to Mary's. Let us see to it that we preserve and increase her beauty by staying away from sin. Let us color her vermilion by our devotion and piety and by our fraternal charity. Let the fragrance of our soul be our good example and may the thorns of our strength not cause us harm but be an ornament.

lunedì 14 maggio 2007

Singular Vessel of Devotion

Mary most holy was not only devoted, but she was the singular Vessel of devotion. Devotion means to consecrate onself to the service of God. She is completely consecrated to God in her soul, in her body, in her material possessions and therefore in her mind, heart and desires. Truly a Vessel, a garden of singular devotion in which nothing is lacking and everything shines that can beautify the highest and most sublime piety!Maria santissima non solo fu devota, ma addirittura fu il Vaso insigne di devozione. Devozione significa consacrarsi al servizio di Dio. Ella è completamente consacrata a Dio nell'anima, nel corpo, nei beni materiali; e quindi nella mente, nel cuore, nei desideri. O Vaso veramente, giardino di devozione insigne, in cui nulla manca, in cui tutto risplende quanto può decorare la più alta e sublime pietà!

sabato 12 maggio 2007

Causa Nostrae Laetitiae

Causa della nostra gioia. La letizia, di cui è causa Maria, ci tocca da vicino; entra in noi, anzi è tutto quello che può desiderare il nostro cuore; letizia proporzionata, letizia desiderata; letizia piena e, più di tutto, letizia che appartiene proprio a noi, letizia nostra.

Cause of our Joy. The joy that Mary causes affects us closely. It enters us, is all that our heart can desire indeed; a measured joy, a desired joy; a full joy and, more than everything, a joy that belongs truly to us, our joy.

venerdì 11 maggio 2007

Virgo potens

Mary's power is a quality entirely in relation to us and closely affects us. We have many needs:
-- temporal needs like health, peacefulness, natural goods;
-- spiritual needs like intelligence, inspiration for hte will, strength to overcome temptations and to hurdle difficulties, etc.

These things do not come from ourselves but we have them from God. This therefore makes for the power of Mary most holy: in the power of intercession that she has before God to ask for us all those things that we need.

La potenza di maria è una qualità tutta relativa a noi, che ci tocca da vicino. Noi abbiamo tante necessità:
-- necessità temporali di salute, di quiete, di beni naturali;
-- necessità spirituali di lume all'intelletto, di ispirazione alla volontà, di forza per vincere le tentazioni e per superare le difficoltà, ecc.

Queste cose non le abbiamo da noi medesimi, ma le abbiamo da Dio. Ecco dunque in che consiste la potenza di Maria santissima: consiste appunto nella forza di intercessione che ella ha presso Dio ad impetrarci tutte queste cose di cui abbiamo bisogno.

martedì 8 maggio 2007

Mater admirabilis -- Mother Most Admirable

Maria santissima è Madre ammirabile in se stessa, poiché mentre è Madre è anche Vergine. Fra le perfezioni che sono sparse nelle creature ve ne sono di quelle che, secondo il corso della natura, non possono essere unite in una medesima persona, quali sono appunto la maternità e la verginità. Ebbene, quello che la natura non può, in Maria lo fa l'onnipotenza divina; e ciò che a noi pare impossibile, avviene in Maria per privilegio di grazia.

Mary most holy is an admirable Mother in herself, because while she is a Mother she is also a Virgin. Among the perfections that are given to creatures thre are those that according to the course of nature cannot stay in the same person, like exactly the motherhood and virginity. Well, what nature cannot do, divine power does in Mary. What appears to us as impossible takes place in Mary through a privilege of grace.

venerdì 4 maggio 2007

Mater Purissima

In our Pauline Agenda, there is a thought of the Founder or Can. Chiesa each day. For the month of May, we were given explanations of the invocation of our Lady of Loreto. I would like to take this opportunity to share each one for this month. Remember well that Can. Chiesa had great influences in the life of Blessed James Alberione.

Conserving one's soul pure in every thought is a privilege rather than just a virtue. Mary most holy not only conserved her soul pure of every flaw of sin, but she kept it immaculate such that it can be considered not only pure, but most pure, pure in an absolute and superlative degree. When can a soul be said to be truly pure in itself? When its mind and heart are pure; its thoughts are pure; its desires and affections are pure.

Conservare illibata l'anima da ogni pensiero è un privilegio anziché solamente un atto di virtù. Maria santissima non solo conservò illibata l'anima sua da ogni neo di colpa, ma talmente la conservò immacolata che non solo può dirsi pura ma purissima, pura in grado superlativo assoluto. Quand'è che un'anima può dirsi veramente pura in sé medesima? Quando ha puri la mente e il cuore; quando puri sono i pensieri; quando puri sono i desideri e gli affetti.

mercoledì 2 maggio 2007

Pensieri del Ven. Francesco Chiesa* Sulle Litanie Lauretane

La prima invocazione con cui ci rivolgiamo a Maria nelle Litanie lauretane è questa: Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis. Diciamola con tre sentimenti:
1) con sentimento di ammirazione, intendendo lodare ed ossequiare Maria per l'eccellenza della sua santità,
2) con sentimento di profonda uniltà, riconoscendo la nostra immensa distanza da Maria;
3) con sentimento di sincero amore, desiderando e stimando anche noi sopra ogni cosa la santità.

* per oltre un quarantennio, guida illuminata e peterno sostegno al Giacomo Alberione, il quale lo ammirò e lo percepì come "una forma distinta di vita sacerdotale, su cui modellarsi".

The first invocation that we make to Mary in the Litany of Loreto is this: Santa Maria, ora pro nobis. We say it with 3 sentiments:
1) of admiration, intending to praise Mary for her surpassing sanctity
2) of deep humility, acknoledging the great distance between us and Mary
3) of sincere love, we desiring and esteeming sanctity above all things.

* had been an enlightened guide and paternal support for more than 40 years to Blessed James Alberione, who admired him and saw him as "a distinguished form of priestly life upon whom to model oneself." He gave an explanation of the Litany to our Lady of Loreto in the month of May 1902/3 in Alba to the seminarians, of whom James Alberione was among them.

martedì 1 maggio 2007

Presence of the Mother of God -- Presenza della Madre di Dio

Since traditionally the month of May is dedicated to Mary, Mother of God, we begin this blog with Blessed James Alberione's relationship with and teaching on her.

Founder of an apostolic Family, Fr. Alberione felt the presence of the Mother of God aboveall in her apostolic appointments and invited his congregations to revere her under the title "Queen of the Apostles". He proposed the most profound visions on the Virgin-Mother, parting from the considerations of her as Queen of the Apostles: bearer of the integral Christ, thus highest example of "apostolate".

There is nothing more valuable to be given this poor, proud world than Jesus Christ. Mary gave the world grace in Jesus Christ and continues to make this offerings for all time. She is the universal mediatrix of grace and in this role is our mother. The world had need of Jesus Christ, Way, Truth, and Life. Mary gives him now through apostles and apostolates which she inspires, forms, assists and crowns in fruitfulness.

Presenza della Madre di Dio
Fondatore di una Famiglia apostolica, don Alberione ha sentito la presenza della Madre di Dio soprattutto nell'ordine dei suoi impegni apostolici e ha invitato le sue Congregazioni a venerarla sotto il titolo di "Regina degli Apostoli". Ha proposto le più profonde visioni sulla Vergine-Madre, partendo dalla considerazione di lei come Regina degli Apostoli: portatrice del Cristo integrale, quindi esempio sommo di "apostolato".

Nessuna più grande ricchezza si può dare a questo mondo povero e orgoglioso che Gesù Cristo. Maria diede al mondo la grazia in Gesù Cristo; continua a offrirlo nei secoli. Ella è mediatrice universale della grazia, e in quest'ufficio è madre nostra. Il mondo ha bisogno di Gesù Cristo, Via, Verità e Vita. Maria lo dà per mezzo degli apostoli e degli apostolati, che Ella suscita, forma, assiste e incorona di frutti e di gloria in cielo.

I am identified with Christ: His affairs are mine; His intentions, mine; I speak His words; my doctrine is His; my life is that of Christ; I complete the works of Christ; or better, it is Christ that completes His works for me.


Signore, glorifica nella tua Chiesa il Beato Giacomo Alberione. Sia per noi tutti esempio e intercessore nel cammino della nostra santificazione e del nostro impegno apostolico. Apri le vie dell'evangelizzazione affinché la presenza di Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, si irradi nel mondo per mezzo di Maria, Madre e Regina degli Apostoli. Concedimi le grazie che ora ti chiedo...
Padre nostro, Ave Maria, Gloria... O Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, abbi pietà di noi.
Regina degli Apostoli, prega per noi.
San Paolo Apostolo, prega per noi.
Beato Giacomo Alberione, prega per noi.
Da ogni peccato, liberaci o Signore.