lunedì 15 ottobre 2007

Discernment before Decision

From things that are morally indifferent, take only that much which helps you; leave out what does not help. Don't be addicted to anything, neith to food nor to rest; but make a wise regimen with regard to what is good for health.

Some amount of mortification is profitable so that the spirit can have sufficient freedom and control over the flesh. Don't be concerned about human esteem; instead fear the judgement of God. A word of approbation from God is infinitely more valuable than the esteem of all human beings whose praise is often spurious.

So too with health: if we have abundance of health, we can do great things for the glory of God; but when we are in poor health, we have to learn to mortify our grand desires, even if they are about very holy things. We should know how to realize them or leave them with a holy indifference in the will of God.

There are things that truly help us: make use of them as much as possible.

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I am identified with Christ: His affairs are mine; His intentions, mine; I speak His words; my doctrine is His; my life is that of Christ; I complete the works of Christ; or better, it is Christ that completes His works for me.


Signore, glorifica nella tua Chiesa il Beato Giacomo Alberione. Sia per noi tutti esempio e intercessore nel cammino della nostra santificazione e del nostro impegno apostolico. Apri le vie dell'evangelizzazione affinché la presenza di Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, si irradi nel mondo per mezzo di Maria, Madre e Regina degli Apostoli. Concedimi le grazie che ora ti chiedo...
Padre nostro, Ave Maria, Gloria... O Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, abbi pietà di noi.
Regina degli Apostoli, prega per noi.
San Paolo Apostolo, prega per noi.
Beato Giacomo Alberione, prega per noi.
Da ogni peccato, liberaci o Signore.