lunedì 31 dicembre 2007
A Year of Grace
martedì 25 dicembre 2007
It's Christmas
May Baby Jesus place his tiny hands over your head
and fill your soul with light, comfort and joy.
The first cradle that Jesus found one earth was the immaculate heart of Mary:
It was the first crib:
a pure heart
a pious heart
a humble heart
a religious heart.
May your heart be like this
and then it will be a beautiful crib for Jesus.
-- Blessed James Alberione
lunedì 17 dicembre 2007
Like St. Joseph, be faithful to Mary
Know, imitate, love, pray to and preach about Mary. This is according to the divine will and the teaching of the Church, and in the spirit of veneration of St. Joseph.
domenica 16 dicembre 2007
Mary Brings Us Closer to Jesus
The three conditions for approaching the crib are the three dispositions of the heart we wish to have when we receive Holy Communion:
1) great innocnece, a beautiful soul.
2) great faith, united with love.
3) trust, that is, approach it with hope for us and for the human race.
domenica 25 novembre 2007
Feast of Blessed James Alberione
sabato 17 novembre 2007
The Key of Life
venerdì 2 novembre 2007
One Family
This is the foundation for our charity towards the dead and of the concern which the struggling Church and the victorious Church have for the suffering souls in purgatory.
In the human body the activity of one part, for example, of the eye or of the hand, benefits the entire body. For the eye does not see only for itself but for the whole body. Thus all the good in the mystical body of Christ benefits each single member and the whole body.
martedì 30 ottobre 2007
The Path to Heights
lunedì 22 ottobre 2007
Balance and Harmony
lunedì 15 ottobre 2007
Discernment before Decision
Some amount of mortification is profitable so that the spirit can have sufficient freedom and control over the flesh. Don't be concerned about human esteem; instead fear the judgement of God. A word of approbation from God is infinitely more valuable than the esteem of all human beings whose praise is often spurious.
So too with health: if we have abundance of health, we can do great things for the glory of God; but when we are in poor health, we have to learn to mortify our grand desires, even if they are about very holy things. We should know how to realize them or leave them with a holy indifference in the will of God.
There are things that truly help us: make use of them as much as possible.
mercoledì 10 ottobre 2007
Mysteries of the Rosary
domenica 7 ottobre 2007
The Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary
- a fundamental truth: the mystery of the incarnation.
- a moral lesson: Mary's humility in accepting the responsibility.
- Grace: obedience to the divine will and the grace to accept well the graces to correspond to God' will.
Here we have a truth to meditate upon, a lesson to be learned and a grace to be prayed for. So with all the other mysteries.
The rosary is a short course of theology if it is considered in all its joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries. It is a summary of catechism and theology and can be also called therefore: A short theology of Jesus and Mary.
martedì 2 ottobre 2007
The Guardian Angels
venerdì 28 settembre 2007
The Visit to the Most Holy Sacrament
venerdì 21 settembre 2007
The Eucharistic Visit: an encounter with Jesus
The Visit is an encounter of our total being with Jesus.
It is the creature meeting his Creator.
It is the disciple being with the Master.
It is the sick with the Doctor of souls.
It is the poor having recourse to a rich Person.
It is the thirsty drinking from the Spring.
It is the weak presenting themselves before the All-Powerful.
It is the tempted seeking a safe Refuge.
It is the blind seeking the Light.
It is a friend visiting a true Friend.
It is the lost sheep sought out by the divine Shepherd.
It is the disoriented heart finding the Way.
It is the foolish discovering Wisdom.
It is the spouse with the Spouse of the soul.
It is nothing meeting the All.
It is the afflicted finding the Consoler.
It is the youth receiving orientation for life.
lunedì 13 agosto 2007
Assumption of Mary
giovedì 2 agosto 2007
For me to Live is CHRIST
giovedì 19 luglio 2007
martedì 10 luglio 2007
sabato 30 giugno 2007
San Paolo Apostolo
venerdì 29 giugno 2007
Centenary of Priestly Ordination
mercoledì 27 giugno 2007
Living and Beneficent Light
domenica 24 giugno 2007
The Eucharist
sabato 9 giugno 2007
L'Apostolo Paolo
giovedì 7 giugno 2007
The Gospel
domenica 3 giugno 2007
giovedì 31 maggio 2007
Regina sacratissimi rosarii
mercoledì 30 maggio 2007
Regina virginum
Queen of Virgins
For two main reasons can we worthily greet Mary most holy as "queen of virgins": for the supreme love that she had for this prerogative [i.e. virginity] and for the great perfection with which it is shown in her all her life. If only you knew the value of the treasure that a pure youth holds in his heart! He possesses a virtue without price, a wonder to men, an envy to the angels, a delight to God.
domenica 27 maggio 2007
Regina Confessorum
sabato 26 maggio 2007
Festa della Regina degli Apostoli
mercoledì 23 maggio 2007
Consoler of the Afflicted
martedì 22 maggio 2007
Stella Matutina
sabato 19 maggio 2007
Tower of Ivory
martedì 15 maggio 2007
Rosa Mystica
lunedì 14 maggio 2007
Singular Vessel of Devotion
sabato 12 maggio 2007
Causa Nostrae Laetitiae
venerdì 11 maggio 2007
Virgo potens
martedì 8 maggio 2007
Mater admirabilis -- Mother Most Admirable
Maria santissima è Madre ammirabile in se stessa, poiché mentre è Madre è anche Vergine. Fra le perfezioni che sono sparse nelle creature ve ne sono di quelle che, secondo il corso della natura, non possono essere unite in una medesima persona, quali sono appunto la maternità e la verginità. Ebbene, quello che la natura non può, in Maria lo fa l'onnipotenza divina; e ciò che a noi pare impossibile, avviene in Maria per privilegio di grazia.
Mary most holy is an admirable Mother in herself, because while she is a Mother she is also a Virgin. Among the perfections that are given to creatures thre are those that according to the course of nature cannot stay in the same person, like exactly the motherhood and virginity. Well, what nature cannot do, divine power does in Mary. What appears to us as impossible takes place in Mary through a privilege of grace.venerdì 4 maggio 2007
Mater Purissima
mercoledì 2 maggio 2007
Pensieri del Ven. Francesco Chiesa* Sulle Litanie Lauretane
* per oltre un quarantennio, guida illuminata e peterno sostegno al Giacomo Alberione, il quale lo ammirò e lo percepì come "una forma distinta di vita sacerdotale, su cui modellarsi".
1) of admiration, intending to praise Mary for her surpassing sanctity
2) of deep humility, acknoledging the great distance between us and Mary
3) of sincere love, we desiring and esteeming sanctity above all things.
* had been an enlightened guide and paternal support for more than 40 years to Blessed James Alberione, who admired him and saw him as "a distinguished form of priestly life upon whom to model oneself." He gave an explanation of the Litany to our Lady of Loreto in the month of May 1902/3 in Alba to the seminarians, of whom James Alberione was among them.
martedì 1 maggio 2007
Presence of the Mother of God -- Presenza della Madre di Dio
Founder of an apostolic Family, Fr. Alberione felt the presence of the Mother of God aboveall in her apostolic appointments and invited his congregations to revere her under the title "Queen of the Apostles". He proposed the most profound visions on the Virgin-Mother, parting from the considerations of her as Queen of the Apostles: bearer of the integral Christ, thus highest example of "apostolate".
Nessuna più grande ricchezza si può dare a questo mondo povero e orgoglioso che Gesù Cristo. Maria diede al mondo la grazia in Gesù Cristo; continua a offrirlo nei secoli. Ella è mediatrice universale della grazia, e in quest'ufficio è madre nostra. Il mondo ha bisogno di Gesù Cristo, Via, Verità e Vita. Maria lo dà per mezzo degli apostoli e degli apostolati, che Ella suscita, forma, assiste e incorona di frutti e di gloria in cielo.
Padre nostro, Ave Maria, Gloria... O Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, abbi pietà di noi.
Regina degli Apostoli, prega per noi.
San Paolo Apostolo, prega per noi.
Beato Giacomo Alberione, prega per noi.
Da ogni peccato, liberaci o Signore.