lunedì 11 febbraio 2008

Will-power and prayer for progress

When we come to settle accounts with God and with others year after year, we must find ourselves to have advanced a little, to have made some progress.
Progress means walking, taking some steps. To take steps we need our feet. Now the two feet we need to move and make progress are first, the will, second, prayer.
Will means to be resolute, to be determined, to have the disposition to give all the energies and strength of the heart.
Good will is shown when one makes efforts to correct oneself, to subdue pride, to curb ambition; to control the feelings of the heart.
In this spirit one seeks counsel, requests for correction from those one lives with, asks for help, especially to point out the way to progress.

Nessun commento:

I am identified with Christ: His affairs are mine; His intentions, mine; I speak His words; my doctrine is His; my life is that of Christ; I complete the works of Christ; or better, it is Christ that completes His works for me.


Signore, glorifica nella tua Chiesa il Beato Giacomo Alberione. Sia per noi tutti esempio e intercessore nel cammino della nostra santificazione e del nostro impegno apostolico. Apri le vie dell'evangelizzazione affinché la presenza di Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, si irradi nel mondo per mezzo di Maria, Madre e Regina degli Apostoli. Concedimi le grazie che ora ti chiedo...
Padre nostro, Ave Maria, Gloria... O Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, abbi pietà di noi.
Regina degli Apostoli, prega per noi.
San Paolo Apostolo, prega per noi.
Beato Giacomo Alberione, prega per noi.
Da ogni peccato, liberaci o Signore.