mercoledì 27 febbraio 2008

The Cross and penance

Lent introduces us to the devotion to the crucified Christ. The Divine Master from the cross teaches us more by example than by words. He is truly the Master because the other masters only teach, but Jesus, besides teaching, goes before us giving us example.

Lent should lead us to the practice of penance. It has four aspects:

First: to become conscious of the evil done;

Second: to review our life and sins and to consider ourselves to be sinners, though forgiven;

Third: to make sincere resolutions to avoid faults and dangerous occasions that we can and should avoid;

Fourth: be willing to make reparation.

Reparation, for example, to make fervent communions in the place of cold communions;
making reparation for dissipation with greater recollection;
making reparation for sin above all with the practice of charity.

Nessun commento:

I am identified with Christ: His affairs are mine; His intentions, mine; I speak His words; my doctrine is His; my life is that of Christ; I complete the works of Christ; or better, it is Christ that completes His works for me.


Signore, glorifica nella tua Chiesa il Beato Giacomo Alberione. Sia per noi tutti esempio e intercessore nel cammino della nostra santificazione e del nostro impegno apostolico. Apri le vie dell'evangelizzazione affinché la presenza di Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, si irradi nel mondo per mezzo di Maria, Madre e Regina degli Apostoli. Concedimi le grazie che ora ti chiedo...
Padre nostro, Ave Maria, Gloria... O Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, abbi pietà di noi.
Regina degli Apostoli, prega per noi.
San Paolo Apostolo, prega per noi.
Beato Giacomo Alberione, prega per noi.
Da ogni peccato, liberaci o Signore.