domenica 30 marzo 2008

God Dwells in Us and We in God

Day by day our participation in the life of God and of Jesus Christ becomes more and more abundant: God lives in us and we in God. God lives in us in the unity of nature and in the Trinity of Persons.

And God is at His creative best, gifting us with a supernatural organism which perfects the natural one, rendering us capable of living a life similar, though not equal, to His, a God-like life.

He works in our total being and in all our faculties, and on a divine impulse, He makes us His cooperators. In this way, the day is filled with merits: we live in Him, He in us.

Jesus Christ lives in us not only as God, but also as God-man: He is the head of the mystical body. We are His members. From Him we receive dynamism and life.

venerdì 21 marzo 2008

Let us walk with the suffering Christ

Jesus, Divine Master:

Let Your unchanging patience be mine,
May Your crown of thorns obtain for me humility of heart,
Your scourging be my purity and mortification,
Your agony be a model for mine,
the wounds on Your feet guide all my steps,
the foolishness of Your cross gain me true wisdom.
Your resurrection make my resurrection glorious,
and may I be crucified totally with You, and in everything may Your will be done in me.
May Your merits be mine and Your virtues be for me way, strength, mercy and eternal life!
(from Blessed James Alberione's personal notebook, 1933)

martedì 11 marzo 2008

Think Positively

The sure method is the positive method. Overcome evil with good (St. Paul). Nurture thoughts of truth, order, justice towards God, neighbour, self; towards the past, present and future.
A mind filled with the good has no place for the evil; just as to empty a bottle of air, fill it with water.
To remove darkness from a room the use of broom and dustpan achieve nothing. Instead, light a lamp and darkness vanishes instantly.
I am identified with Christ: His affairs are mine; His intentions, mine; I speak His words; my doctrine is His; my life is that of Christ; I complete the works of Christ; or better, it is Christ that completes His works for me.


Signore, glorifica nella tua Chiesa il Beato Giacomo Alberione. Sia per noi tutti esempio e intercessore nel cammino della nostra santificazione e del nostro impegno apostolico. Apri le vie dell'evangelizzazione affinché la presenza di Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, si irradi nel mondo per mezzo di Maria, Madre e Regina degli Apostoli. Concedimi le grazie che ora ti chiedo...
Padre nostro, Ave Maria, Gloria... O Gesù Maestro, Via e Verità e Vita, abbi pietà di noi.
Regina degli Apostoli, prega per noi.
San Paolo Apostolo, prega per noi.
Beato Giacomo Alberione, prega per noi.
Da ogni peccato, liberaci o Signore.